Why Minerva McGonagall is my favourite female HP character

 Stern, formidable and strict, Minerva McGonagall reminds me clearly of a teacher from my secondary school. She is unanimously respected by students and staff alike (apart from maybe Umbridge). Here are a few reasons as to why she is my favourite female HP character:

1) She's an animagus and can turn into a cat! What cooler transformation is there?!

2) She loved and played Quidditch (when she was at school). 

3) Far from throwing the book at Harry when he flew to collect Neville's remembrall (not that Harry knew it - he thought she was going to cane him) she recommended him to the Gryffindor team to Oliver Wood and so Harry was the youngest (and most talented) seeker in a century. 

4) She's fair and doesn't have favourites (favouritism was rife in said secondary school and I say that as someone who was a favourite with some of the staff) and it's so refreshing - especially when compared to people such as Snape. E.g. when she took 50 points off from members of her house in the Philosopher's Stone because they were walking out at night.

5) She's empathetic - she pleaded (in vain) to Dumbledore not to leave Harry with the Dursleys. 

6) She's kind - it may not be obvious kindness such as Lupin - but she is considerate. For example, this can be seen when she told Neville that he couldn't carry on with a NEWT in Transfiguration and encouraged him gently to take on Charms while boosting his confidence. She was also kind to Harry and Ron when Hermione was petrified. 

7) Her slanging match with Umbridge was the greatest (where she promised she would coach Harry in order for him to acquire the required grades he needed to become an Auror). 

8) Her refusal to follow Harry's orders in the Cursed Child and let Scorpius and Albus still be friends with each other. 

There's a reason why Minerva is one of Tiffany's middle names! 
