If the miners' strike had happened in 2019:

 I'm thinking of Johnson and Corbyn and the film Billy Elliot. I'm thinking what would have happened if the miners' strike happened in the winter of 2019. 

-Johnson doing a tour of the NE-.
-Johnson dressed as a miner complete with a yellow helmet- 
Johnson: I love the mines! I love miners too! I've always wanted to be a miner and that's what I would have been if I wasn't PM. 
-Billy Elliot comes in-
Johnson: Hello young chap! What's your name?
Billy Elliot: Billy 
Johnson: Ah young Billy! Well, I'm going to do everything I can to save the mines and your father's job! Because we are the Conservatives and we are for each and every single person doing the best they can! Don't worry young Billy - I will speak to that charming Mr. Scargill and I will personally ask him to save the mines. 

-few months later-

Johnson: Billy, I'm so sorry, but that pro-EU loving Mr. Scargill, Mr. Milne and Mr. Corbyn have sold off the mines to Angela Merkel who's now planning to turn your town into an extension of Germany. That is not what your grandfather fought for during the war! Vote to leave the EU and vote for the Conservatives in the upcoming election. Get Brexit done! Bring back control! Freedom and prosperity for everyone!

-Billy becomes a young Tory-

-Corbyn doing a tour of the NE-
-Corbyn not speaking to anyone - just soaking up the adulation-
Corbyn: The Conservatives are the most awful people to have ever existed and they are taking all your money away!! I'm for 99% for you - stuff the other 1%! What do you mean you want to vote Conservatives?! Rebecca Long-Bailey and Angela Rayner are right - you're scum and an awful and heartless person - where's your humanity?! I'm perfect! I'm for you. Don't question anything. If I want journalists to be booed to the point they have to bring extra security then that's on them - I'm just pointing out how every publication, other than The Canary, are full of Tories! I'm Jeremy! I have my own song - which other Labour leader has been given their own song?! 
-Livingstone in the background-: It's the bankers, they're all Jewish, they caused the worldwide recession back in 2008-2009!! 
Corbyn: Ken Livingstone is a friend, I agree with him on everything and I'm against anti-Semitism. Because I'm Jeremy and your friend and against the Conservatives.
Corbyn: Save the mines!!! Look who I have here - Seamus Milne!! He has a great track record in winning and saving mines. 
Milne: It's all the EU's fault - they want to sell the mines to Johnson who will in turn them into banks 
Corbyn: I am neither for nor against the EU. I am for a jobs based Brexit while voting against the EU since I became an MP in 1983. Because I'm Jeremy, I'm upfront, I'm honest and not like any single politician because I dress normally and don't know the words to the national anthem. 

-Corbyn loses the NE disastrously because he was speaking to his own and didn't learn from Foot- 
