A Review: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince: 'The Other Minister'


As someone who is addicted to both politics and Harry Potter this chapter is a sheer delight to read as Downing Street becomes interlinked with magic. The reader is immediately introduced to the Muggle Prime Minister as he reflects on an emotionally exhausting week, which, as it soon becomes apparent, is the fault of the Death Eaters and Voldemort who were causing havoc on the country. This chapter has some humorous moments especially when learning that the former Prime Minister (perhaps Margaret Thatcher?) tried to throw Fudge out, believing he was a prank planted by the opposition. Moreover, there perhaps is a sense of justice felt by the reader upon learning that Fudge, who had treated Harry in OOTP so badly, was sacked as a result of an inability to keep control of the country. This chapter ends with the new Minister of Magic, Rufus Scrimgeour, meeting and updating the Prime Minister of the new developments. In short, this is an entertaining and concise read to what is a fantastic novel.
