
Showing posts from October, 2021


 Corbyn is exasperating. He endorses Scottish independence not realising how Scottish independence could mean a permanent farewell to Labour being in office. Thank goodness he's no longer a Labour MP. 


 I think it's brilliant that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are highlighting the issue of addiction. They're right - no one chooses to be an addict.

This is also true

This is so true

This is brilliant this is a brilliant article 

Blair at his best this is hilarious! 

The Sound of Music

 The Sound of Music is one of the most wonderful musicals! The songs, the script, the scenery all make it beautiful! 

Strictly Come Dancing

 SCD is such a good feel show! 

Gordon Brown

 This is a good article: 

Two for the Road

 This is a wonderful video:

Two for the Road

 The theme tune is absolutely exquisite!! It's the second best opening to a movie! 

The Family Diaries

 Billie Shepherd and her family are really likeable! 

Hovis advert this advert really is brilliant! 

The Christmas Pig

 I'm only at the beginning still but I'm hooked!! I definitely agree with whoever said it was JK Rowling's best work since Azkaban! 


 Dumbledore was an absolute King in OOTP for sacrificing himself so that Harry could stay at Hogwarts! What a man! 

Seamus Finnegan

 He was so mean to Harry in OOTP - I don't know how Harry stood it! Poor Harry. 

Coach bright

 My coach bright journey starts tomorrow and I'm so excited! 

World Mental Health Day

 On this world mental health day I hope more people become more aware of the challenges mental health sufferers face, and are kinder and more empathetic to them. 

My Fair Lady ending

 I think Eliza should have stayed with Freddie rather than returning to Henry Higgins. 


 Is always a good idea and as said by the amazing Audrey Hepburn! 

Amazingly said!

Why Labour lost in 2019

 This article says it all:

True friendship

True friendship is when Percy tried to warn Ron about how dangerous Harry was (all in the 5th book) and Ron responded by tearing up his letter and throwing the pieces into the fire. True friendship is also Hermione being so moved by that that she offers to complete their homework. True friendship is further demonstrated when Hermione and Ron (especially for studious Hermione) drop out of Hogwarts to help Harry find Horcruxes in order to finish off Voldemort. True friendship is when Hermione bailed Harry and Ron out in the first book involving trolls. In short, Harry Potter teaches what true friendship is; it doesn't matter about the quantity but the quality. I think everyone needs friends like Ron and Hermione (who also forgive Harry when he yelled at them multiple times in OOTP). 

The Northern Irish Troubles: The Static Society

The Northern Irish Troubles are barely understood in the UK; I was in my second year at university before I really understood what were they're about. I think it should be mandatory to teach the Troubles in schools if the government were serious about an EU referendum (with the Irish question being an important one). However, alas, the Northern Irish Troubles aren't on the GCSE syllabus as of yet (maybe because it's too complicated). To help me understand the Northern Irish Troubles is the brilliant book by David McKittrick and David McVae which is a clear and short read.  The first chapter in this book is entitled 'The Static Society'. The authors explain how Northern Ireland was divided into two groups: the unionists (the Protestants) who want Northern Ireland to remain in the UK and the republicans (the Catholics) who yearn for a United Ireland. The book further goes onto state how there were two extra elements added to the equation: the British and Irish governm


 Osborne from Journey's End is such a likeable character! My favourite character from the play! 

The Beatles

 While My Guitar Gently Weeps is, hands down, the best Beatles song! 

I'll never understand

 Hunting. Those poor animals! I don't understand how anyone could hunt for fun. 

Marcus Rashford 


 I'm reading Journey's End and I feel so sorry for poor Raleigh! He's treated badly by Stanhope and dies at the end. What an unfortunate war for him! 


 Currently re-reading HP and the Order of the Phoenix. Hermione's jinx on Marietta Edgecome was brilliant! 

Universal credit


Coach Bright

 I start Coach Bright next Thursday to teach A level history!! I'm so excited!! 

Marina Hyde is brilliant 

The Samaritans


 GBBO is the best comfort tv show! 

Human Rights

With Dominic Raab now declaring that he wants to overhaul the HRA 98 it is now essential to understand what the HRA 98 is all about and why it must be protected. I will write more about this in the upcoming weeks. 

History of the NHS

 The National Health Service came into being on the 5th July 1948. It was under Clement Attlee's government that it did so. This was as a result of the Beveridge proposals where William Beveridge had stated that the government had an obligation to look after everyone. The government then ensured that treatment was of no expense to each patient and all hospitals were nationalised. Contrary to what some Conservatives have recently said about the NHS, it did not support its creation. They were opposed to it believing it would be too costly - doctors too were scared about losing income. However, it soon proved a huge success, with governments such as that of Thatcher being unwilling to privatise the NHS. Who knows what will happen in the future?! 

Dumbledore and McGonagall

 Happy world teachers' day to two teachers who I would loved to have been taught by! Also shout out to McGonagall for her birthday yesterday! <3 

World Teachers' Day

 On this world teachers' day I'm thinking of the best teachers who taught me. There was the one who believed in me after I had performed poorly; there was the one who gave me biscuits when I nearly fainted in an exam; there was the one who counselled me after I had to leave the classroom because I was crying about my then recently deceased grandmother. I'm thinking of the kindness and empathy these teachers displayed. And, of course, I'm thinking of my own grandparents who were both teachers. On this day I'm thinking of teachers who weren't teachers by profession but who taught me so many lessons - people ranging from Audrey Hepburn to Otto Frank to my friends. Teachers deserve more credit for what they do! 

Blair & Brown: The New Labour Revolution

 This is such an interesting programme! Although I doubt that Blair and Brown were the Lennon and McCartney of New Labour politics. Still the top 2 best PMs the UK has seen though, in my opinion. 

Billy Elliot

 I love this scene. It shows Billy's talent and his determination to his Dad.

Best trailer I love Two for the Road! 

Making Sense of the Troubles

 This book by David McKittrick and David McVae is brilliant! It is extremely comprehensive. I'll be analysing each chapter on this blog! 

Best opening to a film

Happy 60th birthday B@T

 Happy 60th birthday to one of the greatest films - Breakfast at Tiffany's! Here's Audrey at her finest:

Journey's End

 I first read this play fourteen years ago when I was a GCSE student, and in preparation for my forthcoming interview for MyTutor, I've gone back to it. This is a wonderful play about the futility of war and it explores the effect that war had had on soldiers, especially Stanhope. I'd definitely suggest this as a good play to read! 

Indian Matchmaking

 I'm currently watching 'Indian Matchmaking' and am amazed at how much the parents influence their children. In the opening scene there's a mother (of the groom) saying the bride must be at least 5ft3 and that was non-negotiable. She also has to be flexible and outgoing as that what is her son would like. I am aware that arranged marriages are still common in India (Sima, the matchmaker, says there are arranged marriages and then love marriages) but I'm staggered at how much influence the parents have over their children. 

Meghan and Harry

 I think the criticism that Meghan and Harry receive is too extreme. Meghan may not be everyone's cup of tea but sometimes she is treated as though she is the public enemy number one. She didn't fit into the Royal Family; that's ok. It's not a crime and I say this as an ardent royalist who loves the Queen and the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. I think people forget that mental health is an important issue and they should try to be kinder to Meghan and Harry. 

Downton Abbey, series 1, episode 1

 I'd always wanted to watch Downton Abbey but I never found the time. Thankfully, now that I've finished my degree, and waiting to start volunteering and work experience, I finally have the time!  Downton Abbey focuses on the Crawley family (Lord and Lady Grantham) and this episode is set in April 1912. The Crawley family have three daughters (Mary, Edith and Sybil) and as they're all female, they cannot inherit their Father's title or estate. The heir to the title was Lord Grantham's first cousin and his son (James and Patrick). The episode opens with the Titanic sinking and the realisation that James and Patrick perished as a result of the sinking. This throws the family into crisis as a total unknown (a third cousin once removed of Lord Grantham) is set to inherit the title and money. Lord Grantham's mother and Lady Grantham seek to smash the entail so that Mary (who was set to marry Patrick) could inherit the money.  This episode also sees a new valet, who h


I'm proud and excited to be doing a TEFL course (teaching English as a foreign language!). I'm about 4/5ths in and should complete it by February! It teaches a lot about English as a language and how complicated it is to learn. 

Coach Bright

 I'm proud to be volunteering for Coach Bright - an organisation that helps the most deprived students achieve their desired grades in GCSE and A level. I can't wait to get started! 

This is super interesting

 From Britain's 2nd best PM - 

This is horrifying when will the Church apologise? 

Ending of Schindler's list 

Nicholas Winton 

Poverty in the UK

 A must read article: 

Universal credit

 This article said it brilliantly - by Britain's 2nd best PM:


 This is amazing! I hope it will show to many others that depression should be treated on par with a physical illness: 

Mental health

 This is an excellent article: 

The Human Rights Act 1998

 After the Good Friday Agreement (which came into force on the 10th April 1998), the Human Rights Act 1998 is the second best piece of legislation to come into force. I think this act is worth knowing especially because the current Conservative government (particularly Dominic Raab) want to scrap the Human Rights Act 1998 and replace it with a British Bill of Rights. I think it's dangerous to embark on the road of scrapping rights - it's the question of what they could do next. Also, I'm passionate about the UK (in its entirety) one day re-joining the EU and according to Article 49 of the TEU a country wanting to join the EU has to have a good record on human rights (this is one of the reasons why there is opposition to Turkey joining the EU). The Human Rights Act 1998 has been misunderstood by both the public and politicians. Indeed, Theresa May in 2011 said that she couldn't deport an illegal immigrant because he had a pet cat. This was proved to be untrue. This had n

2nd post: Philomena

 I'm currently reading 'Philomena' by the journalist Martin Sixsmith and the partnership that Sixsmith and Philomena Lee had was subsequently turned into a film of the same name in 2013. There's not much to say from me at this point as I read the book except for the fact I'm horrified at how unforgiving the nuns were towards what they saw as 'sin'. Philomena nearly died childbirth (it was a breech pregnancy) and was denied any pain-killers as the nuns saw that as her punishment for having sinned. It's just ridiculous! I'm not a Christian (although I went to two Catholic schools) and even I know that the basic tenet of Christianity is love and compassion. Those nuns, who inflicted so much pain on Philomena, should be ashamed of themselves. 

The Hunger Strikes of 1981

 The intense response to the 1981 hunger strike transformed Northern Irish politics more significantly than the seven week hunger strike in 1980. This is because Bobby Sands meticulously planned the 1981 hunger strike in a way that he thought would force the then first-time Thatcher government in the UK to give paramilitary prisoners their much wanted political status. So, with deaths planned, the 1981 hunger strike generated coverage that transformed the shape of Northern Irish politics. Although the hunger strikers may not have transformed Northern Irish politics in the way they desired (which was principally to be given a political prisoner status and then to fight for Northern Ireland to join a United Ireland), their actions caused a national and international reaction. This ranged from Thatcher nearly being murdered to more recruits joining the IRA to Sinn Fein becoming a more formidable force. Although none of this ended the Troubles, the response to the hunger strikes' actio